Emergency 1975

Yes, Malkaniji was the first person to be arrested and also last to be released. Since I was a senior correspondent of the Motherland edited by Malkaniji , he informed us of his arrest and asked his senior most assistant editor Daya Nand Singh living opposite to my house in Gulmohar Park , to take charge and do the needful. We left for office earlier that day June 26, 1975, to bring out a special supplement providing news of arrests of all opposition leaders . We sent most of the supplement copies to railway stations so that they reach through trains all over the country. Soon after the Supplement’s publication, our office in Deen Dayal Upadhyay building at Jhandewalan was seized and sealed . We were threatened to leave or face arrest. Alas! The Motherland remained closed for ever though Emergency was lifted and democracy restored. K.N.Gupta