• Sunday,May 19,2024

Generic vs. brand-name pills: Research shows billions of dollars are wasted on over-the-counter medicine.

$ 13.50

4.8 (214) In stock


Do you have any Tylenol in your house? Not store-brand acetaminophen pills that you happen to refer to as Tylenol, but the real-deal Tylenol

STATISTICAL BRIEF #144: Trends in Brand Name and Generic Prescribed Medicine Utilization and Expenditures, 1999 and 2003

Generic vs. Brand-Name Drugs: Is There a Difference?


Do generic drugs compromise on quality? - Harvard Health

The New War on (Overpriced) Drugs

U.S. Consumers Overpay for Generic Drugs – USC Schaeffer

Generic Drugs: Are They on a Par with Pricier Brands?

The Hidden Monopolies That Raise Drug Prices - The American Prospect

Everything Trump Has and Hasn't Done About Drug Prices - The Atlantic

Drug Safety Fears Spur Pentagon Plan to Test Widely Used Medicines - Bloomberg

Research and Development in the Pharmaceutical Industry