Sober living

Unique Sobriety Gifts Sobriety Anniversary Gifts

Celebrating milestones in recovery should be special, and that’s why we’ve curated these unique sobriety gift ideas to inspire you. Recovering from a substance use disorder or other behavioral addiction is no easy feat. A meaningful gift to celebrate sobriety could be a personalized token, such as a sobriety coin or keychain, symbolizing their journey and achievements. A personalized journal can help as well for daily affirmations.

Gift Idea #10: 14k Gold, Large Recovery Medallion, Blank Center for Custom Engraving with Numbers or Initials

  • As mentioned before, there is no short supply of sobriety-related items like keychains, mugs, and clothing.
  • For example, the peaceful sound of a thunderstorm, the relief of a hot bath, the taste of your mom’s best beef stew, or the way it feels when you are embraced by the one you love.
  • Creating an itinerary and surprising them with each activity can be a fun way to spend time with your loved one.
  • Whether it’s love, joy, affection, appreciation, sympathy, romance, or apologies, flower giving communicates the deepest feelings most elegantly.
  • If your loved one is still using alcohol or drugs problematically, we can help them here at Renaissance.
  • Coloring is a common pastime in 12-step meetings, allowing attendees to pay attention while keeping their hands busy.

You’ve got a lifetime to push through, but once you’ve grabbed a hold of your sobriety with both hands you are looking straight at the best gift ever. So above all, remember to express compassion and congratulations to the recovering people in your life. A recovery workbook is a perfect gift for those inclined towards self-improvement. Additionally, recovery often offers an unprecedented opportunity to explore new hobbies and identify alternative outlets for stress.

sobriety gifts

#5: Recovery-Related Books

Every turn of the page has a great recovery quote as well as plenty of space for writing down one’s thoughts. The person I gave it to a said it is a useful tool that encouraged him to put his thoughts down on paper. Many recovering alcoholics need to build alternative coping skills and behaviors to navigate difficult situations in life. Sobriety isn’t always all rainbows but it sure is awesome! This art print makes the perfect gift for the sober person in your life or for your own space. Colorful and a great reminder of an awesome life milestone.

New Book Reveals One Man’s Hard Truths About Women’s Sports

There is no better way to feel better than to know that you are, well, feeling better. When you find yourself deep into your sobriety, you will wake up and realize that you are functioning in society – in the real world. A place that you may have thought you would never see again. It is the art of deceit and manipulation that let so many individuals get deep into addiction before ever being caught. That is why one of the things you will learn in treatment is the importance of honest – and how to be honest. Through the ups and downs of your sobriety, you have worked hard in learning who you are and why you do the things that you do.

sobriety gifts

Embrace Sobriety on Cinco de Mayo: 24 Inspiring Reasons to Celebrate Alcohol-Free in 2024

Since I’m a sober person, I know first-hand that there are myriad thoughtful gifts that you can give to help encourage and strengthen someone’s recovery. Here, I’m sharing a roundup of gift ideas for a sober person. Specifically, though, I’m listing the best for her. Finding the right gift for a sober friend or family member can be challenging.

One Way Conversations and My Mother: An Ode to Mother’s Day for Gals Who Dread Mother’s Day

Create a meaningful ceremony or event that honors the sobriety milestone, capturing the moment with photos or videos to commemorate the occasion. One of the greatest gifts you can offer to a person in recovery is the chance to celebrate their milestone with the people they love. This gift is perfect for the sentimental and family-oriented recovering alcoholic in your life.

Target’s Vast Selection of Alcohol-Free Beverages Redefines Social Drinking Habits

  • If these issues are not dealt with properly, it can lead to a newly sober person falling back into their substance use problems.
  • There are a number of DIY kits online that you can get for your loved one.
  • There are tons of non-alcoholic winemakers, but few make good virgin champagne.

“I’m just a laid-back old school Seattlite…with sober superpowers. You can take the girl out of the party, but you can’t take the party out of the girl.” If you or someone you know is experiencing difficulties surrounding alcoholism, addiction, or mental illness, please reach out and ask for help. People everywhere can and want to help; you just have to know where to look. Click here for a list of regional and national resources. Art supplies cost a respectable amount of money and when you are having to constantly purchase and repurchase items like paintbrushes, paint, and canvases, it can really add up. Whether their medium is paint, colored pencils, or something else, there are many tools and devices available to help your loved ones with their future art projects.

Depending on how long your friend’s treatment is, he will be away from home for a little while and may experience some homesickness or even maybe nervousness about coming home. Help put your loved one at ease by reminding him that someone will be a support for them after treatment. Even if you have failed previously and relapsed, or are in the middle of a difficult crisis, we stand ready to support you. Our trusted behavioral health specialists will not give up on you. When you feel ready or just want someone to speak to about therapy alternatives to change your life call us. Even if we cannot assist you, we will lead you to wherever you can get support.

  • Many people in recovery are proud of the progress that they have made and aren’t afraid to show it off, for people like this, these types of sobriety gifts are perfect.
  • “Journey” has decisively taken its place in American speech.
  • Join the thousands who proudly wear our apparel as a symbol of strength and resilience.
  • Help put your loved one at ease by reminding him that someone will be a support for them after treatment.
  • Since I’m a sober person, I know first-hand that there are myriad thoughtful gifts that you can give to help encourage and strengthen someone’s recovery.

Many people in recovery initially used substances to achieve a sensation of feeling alive and exhilarated. Recent SAMHSA data shows that addiction is a growing problem in the United States. 28.5 million people have alcohol use disorder and 40 million have substance use disorder, but the effects of addiction ripple outward beyond the person using substances.

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