Sober living

If You’re Thinking of Mixing Suboxone and Alcohol, Read This

If a person stops using other opioids, buprenorphine is the active ingredient in Suboxone that lessens withdrawal symptoms. It’s used…

If You’re Thinking of Mixing Suboxone and Alcohol, Read This

If a person stops using other opioids, buprenorphine is the active ingredient in Suboxone that lessens withdrawal symptoms. It’s used…

Psychological dependence on Alcohol: Physiological addiction symptoms

Of course, there are too many reasons for the formation of alcohol dependence to be able to list them here,…

Unique Sobriety Gifts Sobriety Anniversary Gifts

Celebrating milestones in recovery should be special, and that’s why we’ve curated these unique sobriety gift ideas to inspire you.…

Sobriety: How to Start and Maintain a Sober Lifestyle

It's also helpful to change your environment—for instance, avoid going to bars. There are also resources such as 12-step groups…

Sober tourism is a growing trend here’s how it can transform your trip

On day five, we’ll awaken at Hotel Nammbu and enjoy a day of snorkeling, kayaking, and hiking at the Isla…

Central Nervous System CNS Depression: Know the Facts

This suggests the potential importance of neurexins transsynaptic complexes to sustained antidepressant effect. Therefore, this review generalizes and clarifies the…

What Is High Functioning Alcoholism? Stigma, Signs, Support

Past guidance around alcohol use generally suggests a daily drink poses little risk of negative health effects — and might…

Sobriety Gifts from SOBRLIFE

From mugs to T-shirts, there are many essential, valuable items to choose from. Breathing exercises are the best way to…

9 Signs of Alcoholism or Alcohol Abuse

You can also begin detoxing to get any alcohol or other harmful substance out of your system. Alcohol is a…